2.6 Appeal of an ARB Decision

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2.6 Appeal of an ARB Decision

Pursuant to Article VII of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions, if a Homeowner wishes to appeal a decision (including but not limited to architectural changes, maintenance requirements, covenant and/or ARB Guideline violations) of the Architectural Review Board, the following procedures are provided:

2.6.1  Notice of ARB Decision

After the receipt of an ARB notice, the Homeowner must submit a written notice of appeal to the Board of Directors.  The appeal shall be submitted to the Board of Directors within thirty (30) calendar days of postmarked receipt.

2.6.2  Notice of Appeal

This notice of appeal must contain the following:

a.  A copy of the Homeowner's application, if applicable.

b.  A copy of the ARB's notice of decision, maintenance or violation notice.

c.  An explanation from the Homeowner detailing the reasons for appealing the ARB's decision.

2.6.3  Appeal Review

The Board of Directors has forty-five (45) calendar days to review the appeal.  The decision of the Board of Directors will be sent by letter to the Homeowner's address with a copy furnished to the ARB.

2.6.4  Board Decision

The decision of the Board of Directors in the matter of the appeal is final.